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Joining Jaybee Gymnastics

Online membership form

This is your membership form that will affiliate you to British Gymnastics, London Gymnastics and Jaybee Gymnastics. Please fill in the details carefully and double check before submitting as this is our only way of collecting contact information from you. It is also your gymnasts insurance which could become invalid should you input incorrect data. Membership runs annually October to September meaning  you will be asked to fill in a new form each September, ready for the new year to begin. Once you have submitted the form you will be redirected to British Gymnastics Page to renew or register your membership. If you fail to register or renew your gymnast they will not be insured and will not be able to participate in any future sessions with us. You do not need to pay online as you will already have sent in your payment directly to us, so please remember to click that option. Any problems please email AND speak to your coaches as a matter of urgency.


If you are not automatically redirected once you submit your membership details please select the relevent link below to complete your membership process

Julie- 07801517118 Jacey- 07971819463 Maxine-07581571062

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